Zikir Nafas Focus
Asalamualaiakum, WBRKT
We respect , we honor , we pray for all those who pursue the path of the Mashyakhs , The path of
the Great Sahabahs , The Lighted path of the Holy Prophet SAW , the Rightly guided path of
Allah SWT the Siraathal Mustaqeem.
If they are politicized it is because they became pupets of Shaytan and Nafs, We have to impart
the Knowledge of Tazkiataun Nafs , Jihadukn Nafs Amarah , Nafs Lawamah and Mulhimmah and
upgrade their Current position of the physical , mental and emotional encapture to the higher
grade of Nafs Muthmayeena. We have impart this Through the following Knowledge of
- KALIMAH Rabbul Al...
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